During the Beirut International Dentists Meeting (BIDM), BSL BANK launched its new Booster Package specially designed for dentists, offering preferential facilities tailored to dentists’ everyday banking needs and to supporting the growth of their practice.

Efficient day-to-day banking services

The Dentist Booster Package includes, among other facilities, preferential rates and conditions on day-to-day banking services such as free cash deposit, reduced commission on check deposit, free monthly check book, free debit and credit cards, free domiciliation of utility bills, free installation of Point of Sale (POS) machine. Moreover, the package offers half-yearly competitive interest earned on two current accounts.

Financing facilities to dentists… and patients

In addition, the BSL BANK Dentist Booster Package is designed to provide ongoing support to dentists, including tailored financing solutions and incentive loans to help with expanding, renovating or updating their dental practice, as well as financing for their patients, helping them to cover costly procedures.

The Dentist Booster Package “designed to make dentists smile” was created by BSL BANK based on valued input from dental practitioners.

Drawing on almost 100 years of solid banking history and a firm reputation, BSL BANK’s strategy focuses on core banking innovation and serving the true needs of its clients. In 2017 BSL BANK has created major impact and earned a large number of clients through the launching of retail banking products with a truly innovative edge, including its Home Initiative and the Cherry Blossom 9.99% personal loan. 

BSL BANK | Personal Banking - Commercial Banking - Housing loan - Home loan - Mortgage - Personal loan - Business Booster package - Car loan - Fresh Funds Account

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